Roger Pickar Fund
The A&H team is deeply sorry to learn of the passing of Mr. Roger Pickar, and extends our warmest sympathies to his wife Gloria, family and friends.
Roger, an artist and avid supporter of the A&H’s Maitland Art Center, created a fund to support this important National Historic Landmark and working artist’s colony. Roger and his wife Gloria have been dedicated supporters of the A&H’s mission for over 10 years. They were founding members of the Landmark Society, and underwrite the Artists-in-Action program. Mrs. Pickar hopes that you will join in supporting the Roger Pickar Fund at the A&H’s Maitland Art Center.
With five museums, the Art & History Museums – Maitland (A&H) offers nationally renowned exhibitions, acclaimed hands-on programs, award winning special events, and beautiful gardens. Founded in 1937, the A&H’s Maitland Art Center is the only National Historic Landmark in the four county area.
Please consider donating to the Roger Pickar Fund at the Art & History Museums – Maitland by clicking the button below.