A&H Book Club
December 11, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
A&H’s Lake Lily Campus
Make new friends at the A&H Members-Only Book Club! Join A&H Director of Advancement Jessi VanPelt every other month in our scenic Cottage at Lake Lily to share your opinions on fascinating topics in the realms of art and history. At the end of each meeting, we’ll vote on what book to read together next.
At our third meeting, we’ll discuss The Secrets of Art: Uncovering the mysteries and messages of great works of art, by Debra N. Mancoff. A book full of surprises, discoveries, forgotten treasures and lost tales, The Secrets of Art takes us on a journey through the art world’s mysteries to reveal that works of art are not always what they seem. Drawing upon the findings of advanced technology, new research, scientific analysis and old-fashioned curiosity, The Secrets of Art unveils the layers of meaning beneath the surfaces of great works of art in a collection of tales that are fully based in fact but are as fascinating as fiction.
You can find this title on Amazon as well as many online used bookstores. Choose us as your Amazon Smile charity and we’ll receive 0.5% of all your Amazon purchases as a donation: https://smile.amazon.com/Secrets-Art-Messages-Meanings-Mysteries/dp/0711248745
Book Club meetings are just $5 (which includes snacks and sodas). Space is limited so you must register in advance. If you’re not a current A&H member, you must join or renew before Book Club date. Membership payments cannot be accepted at the event.
If you have any questions or need to verify your membership status, contact Jessi at jvanpelt@artandhistory.org. (Send your recommendations for what book to read next here too!)