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A&H Conversations: Carole d’Inverno

April 26, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Art & History Museums – Maitland

A&H Conversations invites lifetime learners like you to discuss fascinating topics anchored in Central Florida history, arts, and culture. New themes are presented monthly by visiting subject matter experts. This month we’ll be in conversation with artist Carole d’Invierno, one of the two New York-based abstract painters in our gallery exhibition (Un)Common Light. Get your free tickets here>>

Carole d’Inverno’s work translates historical and geographical data from local communities into humanized abstractions. The resulting paintings and drawings naturally reflect the community and its people. Carole has been an Artist in Residence at the Art & History Museums of Maitland and we’re honored to welcome her as a gallery artist and speaker. Learn more about her exhibition, (Un)Common Light, here>>

Carole’s Artist Statement

History is central to my work.

I immigrated from Europe to the United States as a young woman. I saw the disparity in wealth, the gun violence, the racial tension, but also the familial interactions in close-knit communities, the pride in country, the belief in ‘everything is possible’. I turned to history to understand the contradictions.

I travel quite a lot in the US and have seen many changes since the late ’70s. From the brake-neck expansion of the suburbs, to the emptying of Main Streets, the decline of the industrial cities of the North, and the population explosion of the Sun Belt, America keeps morphing. In contrast with my upbringing, the country seems to be in constant motion. Jobs, homes, families, neighborhoods, wealth, all can change in a blink of time. How can I understand these phenomenas? What is behind them? What do they have in common? Instead of trying to grasp the whole picture at once, I focus on regional history. Each community I study and render in paintings and drawings adds to my understanding.

To prepare for a new series I visit the local communities. I take in the scenery and spend time with locals. I listen to stories, go to museums and art centers, look at monuments, read at the local library, and even peruse restaurant menus! I consult maps, photos, relevant books, and fill sketchbooks with notes and drawings. A unique picture starts developing in my mind. In the studio my intuition takes the lead and I let the facts, places, and local stories coalesce in my mind. The data is humanized. Paintings and drawings naturally reflect the community, and its people. Each new series becomes part of the whole and teaches me more.

We all have stories to tell.

*Are you a student? Ask your professor about extra credit for attending A&H Conversations! As many colleges and universities offer extra credit for attending our talks, we do take attendance for qualifying students. Your professors can be added to our extra credit program to receive advance notice of speakers and a copy of our student attendance rolls by emailing hmiller@artandhistory.org.