Art31: Fiber Finale
March 30, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A&H’s Maitland Art Center
Enjoy a performance by Accidental Music Festival (AMF), have a last chance to meet “Godrick”, and the Art31: Fiber exhibition in Maitland Art Center galleries will be open for viewing. Plus, check out the pop-up exhibition by Orlando Modern Quilt Guild members, and participate in a new community art installation Indigo Waves!
Ensemble AMF is a group of musicians equally at home in the worlds of classical and improvised music. The group will present premiers of several new open-form, open-instrumentation compositions based on different meanings of the word fiber.
As the traveling portion of Art31: Fiber, celebrated puppetry artist Jack Fields will pop up at busy locations throughout Orange County, as Godrick, “a cosmic creature made of dreams, spider silk, eyes and hat molecules,” creating interactive performance experiences as fibers given life.
Admission: $5 for A&H members; $10 for non-members + cash bar
Art31 Fiber Finale is sponsored by our friends at: