Beginning Silk Screen Workshop
October 17, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
The Studios at Lake Lily
Learn how to create your own screen print and take home an edition of 5 prints! This course will go over the basics of how to transfer and image onto your screen and how to print duplicates. Please bring hand drawn images that can be painted. If you would rather silk screen a shirt, please bring your own shirt and you may do so instead of the edition of prints.
This workshop has a $25 materials fee, which can be paid in cash at the beginning of the workshop. This is in addition to the workshop registration fee.
This workshop takes place in the Studios at Lake Lily, not the Maitland Art Center main campus. Please note the location on your ticket.
About Jacoub
Jacoub Reyes is a multi-disciplinary artist living and working in Orlando, Florida. He has been featured in several publications such as The American Institute of Graphic Arts, Centric, and Artborne Magazine. A recipient of the Southern Graphics International grant award, J.R. Hopes scholarship, Master Scrounge Printer award by Ke Francis and other accolades.
Learn more about Jacoub on his website.