Culture Pop! Art31: Fiber
March 2, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Art & History Museums – Maitland

Photo by Roberto Gonzalez
Not your typical exhibition opening, Culture Pop! is Orlando’s original interactive art happening. It serves as the kick-off for Art31’s thirty-one days of experimentation and collaboration. This event will feature;
- Preview Art31: Fiber exhibition
- Literary readings by local writers
- Live Music by Ancient Sun
- Meet Godrick, performed by puppetry artist Jack Fields
- View pop-up exhibition by Artist-in-Action Suzanne Oberholtzer
- Visit A&H’s Artists-in-Action in their studios
- Demonstrations by Art School instructors
- Light bites by John Michael Catering
- Cash bar with fine wine & craft beer
Admission: free for A&H members; $7 for Not-Yet-Members in advance; $10 at the door. Click here to purchase your tickets
Culture Pop! opening Art31: Fiber is sponsored by:
About the exhibition, on view March 2 – April 22, 2018: Art31: Fiber features the work of a group of internationally recognized artists who create with cloth, paper, and other fibers, and use techniques like stitching, quilting and more, as methods of engaging with their environments. Viewers will recognize these mediums & techniques, used in innovative and thought provoking manners. Featured artists: Alisha McCurdy, Hye Shin and Carrie Sieh.