Metal Clay Jewelry Workshops: Earring Extravaganza
January 16, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Maitland Art Center
Complete a different project in each Metal Clay Jewelry Workshop! Join us this month to learn to create 2-4 pairs of fine silver earrings.
Students will learn basic metal clay techniques including using templates and textures as well as setting faceted gemstones to create 2-4 pairs of fine silver earrings. Metal clay can be rolled, stamped, cut, and manipulated like other clays, but once fired is 99.9% pure silver. Students will finish their pieces to the dry greenware stage. All pieces will be fired after the workshop and available for pick-up the following week. For beginners.
Workshop is for adults 18 and over. Registration is $65. Please note that a material fee of $65 (in cash) is due to the instructor at the start of the workshop.